The Remakery

The Remakery is a new co-operative workshop space for making things from materials that were destined for landfill.

51 Lilford Road


Classes & Training, Membership and Open Access Workshop


Bike Maintenance, Furniture Design, Metal Work, Printmaking, Repair, Screen Printing, Textiles and Wood Work


Metal, Paper & Card, Textiles and Wood & Derivatives


Angle Grinder, Bandsaw, Belt Sander, Button Covering Machine, Drying Racks, Etching / Relief Press, Fabric Cutting Machine, Jig Saw, Loom, Pillar Drill / Drill Press, Power Tools, Screenprinting Screens & Equipment, Sewing Machine, Staple Gun, Table Saw, Vacuum Table and Wood Lathe




The Remakery is a new co-operative workshop space for making things from materials that were destined for landfill.

We provide affordable workspace and access to materials. Remakers – local residents, makers, artists and businesses – then use them to create products, enterprises and opportunities and develop new skills. Any profit is used to subsidise the Remakery social programmes and help those at a disadvantage in our community.

The Remakery’s aims are to help divert valuable waste materials away from landfill and to support our local community to increase their skills, confidence and employment opportunities. We are a Society for the Benefit of the Community, a form of non-profit co-operative. We aim to be transparent and honest in how we do things and make ethically-based decisions.